Beth Baker is the author of the book Giving Him Back To God. Her son, Caleb, passed away January 15, 2011. He brought many blessings and lessons to her life and the lives of all who knew him. Through Caleb's journey with Autism, Epilepsy, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Pulmonary Aspiration, Aplastic Anemia and Myelodyplastic Syndrome, his family was able to pull together, support him and teach others about children with special needs. The overwhelming feelings of having a child with chronic illness can include: Grief Depression Family Stress Beth has several talks that she can give on any of these issues for parents, physicians/medical staff, and other groups that would benefit from hearing the parent perspective in having a child with chronic illness.
Beth also speaks to Ladies Groups on topics including: For Such is The Kingdom: Lessons from Children and Living Through Grief. Please see a full list of available topics under the Speaking tab above and Workshops. She can also personalize a speech for your specific group.
Please contact Beth to arrange a speaking engagement at : [email protected]. Also see more information above under the Speaking tab above and Consulting.